I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and being one of those non-conforming types (frequently referred to as “eccentric” or “an enigma”, can you imagine?) I resisted following along with all the other sheeple typing their way to their grisly death via their blogs. And telling the whole freakin’ world about every dang thing they do every freakin’ second of their freakin’ lame lives. Then I actually read some blogs.
That’s how I operate. Deal. I still have never seen “Titanic” and I’m darn proud of myself. Maybe if James Cameron had decided to throw in some wacky twist ending (do the M. Night Shamalamadingdong thing) I would be tempted, but nooooo, ***SPOILER AHEAD*** the ship sinks.
Some blogs certainly lived down to my assumptions of the bloggers, and their freakin’ lame lives. As well as their inability to go two seconds without blogging about it. Seriously. And don’t get me started on the comments sections of these.
(There was one that almost made me have a seizure (if I were epileptic) because of all the blinky boinky flashing wriggling (did I mention blinky and flashing?) doo-hickies on it. What is wrong with people?)
The ones I didn’t like, I didn’t read. I have that ability. It’s pretty nicely honed after all these years. I see something on TV I don’t care for; boop! I change the channel or turn it off. I see a badly written blog with annoying flashing buttons; boop! I close the window. It’s a gift, really.
Other blogs actually seemed interesting, written by reasonable, thoughtful, and thought-provoking persons. The blogs were well-laid out, interesting to look at, and had handy links to other interesting, reasonably well-written blogs.
I’ve decided that I mainly like blogs that are about something. I don’t care what the subject is, really, just that it be about “something”. As opposed to those blinky barfy dump-my-miserable-life-out-on-the-interwebs types. I have my own (blinky barfy) miserable life, thank you very much. Don’t need to hear about yours.
And you don’t need to hear about mine. You will, however, get to enjoy my squawking about this and that.
The universe does not revolve around me, but it certainly does not revolve around any other person, especially lame freakin’ bloggers. The universe revolves around a fiery ball of gas and stuff, and if you don’t behave, it will expand and kill us all. Something like that. Maybe I’m thinking of Al Gore. Or penguins. I could see the universe revolving around a fiery ball of gas and penguins. Works for me.
have watched PEANUTS when any person of authority is talking to the kids.. all you seem to hear is WAAH WAAHH WHAA WHHAAAA WHHAAA!!
i dont know about you but as for me i think i just read that in that last blog.
What the hell took you so long?
btw....nice Oscar!
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